Environmental Policy

Company Name: HydroStream 

Date: 10th September 2020 

At HydroStream we are committed to protecting the environment and minimising our impact on natural resources. As part of our dedication to sustainability, we have developed this Environmental Policy to guide our actions and ensure that we operate in an environmentally responsible manner. We believe that our commitment to environmental stewardship not only benefits the planet but also contributes to our long-term success as a responsible and ethical business. 


Policy Statement 
HydroStream is committed to the following principles: 


1. Compliance with Regulations: We will comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards. We will actively monitor and adapt to changes in environmental legislation to ensure ongoing compliance.

2. Resource Conservation: We will make efficient use of natural resources, reduce waste, and minimize consumption. This includes energy, water, raw materials, and other resources ie. Chemicals to be safe for children and pets

3. Pollution Prevention: We will actively work to prevent pollution in all aspects of our operations. This includes minimizing emissions, waste generation, and other potential environmental impacts.

4. Sustainable Products and Services: We will strive to provide sustainable products and services, giving preference to suppliers and partners that share our commitment to environmental responsibility.

5. Energy Efficiency: We will seek to reduce energy consumption and promote the use of renewable energy sources whenever possible. We will regularly evaluate and implement energy-efficient technologies.

6. Waste Reduction and Recycling: We will reduce waste generation and promote recycling. We will establish and maintain recycling programs for materials such as paper, cardboard, electronics, and other recyclables.

7. Green Transportation: We will encourage the use of environmentally friendly transportation options for any future employees and seek to reduce the carbon footprint of our business travel.

8. Employee Engagement: We will involve any future employees in environmental initiatives and provide training and awareness programs to ensure they understand their roles in protecting the environment.

9. Environmental Improvement: We will continually assess our environmental performance and work to improve it. This includes setting targets and objectives for reducing our environmental impact.

10. Reporting and Transparency: We will communicate our environmental performance to stakeholders and the public and encourage open dialogue on our progress and challenges.

Responsibility and Accountability

HydroStream will appoint an Environmental Manager who will be responsible for overseeing the implementation and maintenance of this policy. All future employees and contractors will be responsible for adhering to this policy and taking steps to minimize their environmental impact. 



This Environmental Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any necessary updates or improvements will be made, and future employees will be informed of the changes. By adhering to this Environmental Policy, we demonstrate our commitment to a sustainable and responsible future. We recognize the importance of preserving the environment for current and future generations and will strive to be a leading example in our industry. 

Debby Wallwork 
New Business & Digital Marketing Manager 

Signed by: Debby Wallwork 

Effective date of policy: 10/09/2020 


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